Vattenfall Outside Access Portal

Important Note (JUN 2024)

In case you are using the linked portals after logon to start virtual hosted applications (based on Citrix), please be careful!

Citrix offer a vulnerability for the Citrix client for Windows & MAC (Citrix Workspace App) Vulnerabilities in Citrix Workspace app and Receiver for WindowsCitrix Workspace app for Mac Security Bulletin for CVE-2024-5027

Citrix clients installed before June 2024 are affected!
In case your device is admistrated by other IT services, please point them to this need.

You need a Workspace app version 2405 (or 2203.1 LTSR CU6 or 2402 LTSR) or younger.

To be sure that your PC and our data protected, please update to the latest version, presented on:

Application Anyplace

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Tech IT

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Vattenfall Service Desk

  • +46 (0)8 73 97300

Vattenfall Outside Access Portal

Via denna portal så har du tillgång till alla dina Outside Access applikationer/system från Vattenfall.